I Want to Volunteer

Have you thought about volunteering for a not-for-profit organisation in the Great Southern, but not sure how to go about it?

The team here at Albany & Regional Volunteer Service is here to help!

Volunteering is for all ages, all genders and all cultures!

How We Can Help

  • Book an appointment OR call us for a cht

    Book a time to come in and speak with one of our volunteer referral officers.

    They will work with you to find suitable volunteer opportunities to suit your interests, skills, goals and availability.

    Appointments take between 30 and 60 minutes.

  • Call us for a chat

    Have a few questions about volunteering? Not sure where to begin?

    Contact us and speak with one of our friendly staff who can help you with any general queries.

    You can also book a time to have an over-the-phone consultation with one of our volunteer referral officers.

  • Check out our range of resources

    We offer a variety of informational booklets with useful information about the volunteering experience.

    We also provide links to other websites with valuable information and helpful tips about volunteering.

    Click here to go to our Resources Page

  • Volunteering & Centrelink

    Volunteering is not only a great way to help your local community, it could also help you to meet your JobSeeker mutual obligations.

    Some Centrelink clients can choose to volunteer with an approved organisation to meet their
    Mutual Obligations requirements. Eligibility for each person depends on their Mutual Obligation requirements – individuals should check with Centrelink. If an individual is eligible to do this, the next step is to find an Approved Voluntary Work Organisation.

    We have many organisations who are registered, and we can help you with securing a suitable position. Please call us for a chat or apply online today.

"Volunteering is time willingly given for the common good and without financial gain".

- Volunteering Australia 2015 -

Volunteering can involve any number of different activites, organisations and causes. Whether you're helping a person in need, your local community, an endangered species, or the planet: all volunteering opportunities share the common trait of donating your time for the benefit of others.

People volunteer for a number of different reasons ranging from a desire to learn new skills, gaining work experience, fulfilling Centrelink obligations, having fun, helping others, forming new friendships, developing self-confidence and becoming more involved in the local or global community!